What did you write today?

Everyone is a writer.. Yes everyone!..You, me, Shakespeare, Rowling, Beatles, even the illiterate house maid who comes every morning and has practically no knowledge of the three 'R's.

Don't be surprised, because even as your eyes are scanning this piece of text, the nerve signals flexing inside, the brain attempting to interpret what you just read, your hands probably scrolling the mouse; there is a untiring part in you that is writing, and mind you, it just writes all the time; etching on to a book every moment...

Everyone is an author of a book of their own lives; albeit few write better than the rest. When a baby is born God gifts him a blank book and a reed to cover it with. The number of pages and the length of the book may be governed by the Almighty but the contents are the baby's. Though he hasnt been to school yet, but the child keeps on updating the pages everyday as the world unfolds in front of his eyes. It has been observed that generally the books tend to become more boring and monotonous as the child advances from juvenile ages to adulthood.

The genre of these books vary a lot, some people write new interesting matter everyday while others will just have invariably the same old content penned down on each page. Imagine reading tons of continuous pages only describing daily chores leading nowhere. How you would like your book to be as you flip its pages 10 years down the line is a choice of your own..

So go ahead.. Do something new, bring smiles on sullen faces, learn, laugh, love, give, travel, make friends, and most importantly be merry and follow your heart... Make your book colorful, exciting and an absolute pleasure to read.. If not, dont be surprised if some day the house maid walks away with the Booker laurels!


Webby said…
Awesome post Mohita.. a motivating one for all indeed :) :)
Read a quote somewhere which u have very aptly described in your post :)
“Life is like a novel. It's filled with suspense. You have no idea what is going to happen until you turn the page.” - Sidney Sheldon

And this novel is being written none other than the person himself. :)
hekkum said…
Superbly written :)
Have read lot of quotes saying life is a book and so and so, but this post of you has explained it beautifully :)
kritika said…
Mohita you triggered the right emotions in us, but still I felt you missed something here. Something which puts more soul in your post; I missed that @Mohita to some extent but yes I agree with you completely :).
Even its not your best, still it has so many things to wander about :)

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