The lakeside

She walked on the cold vapid soil while thoughts continued to race through her mind. The trees, the soft cool breeze and the lake: everything was just the same as it used to be 2 years back when she was here; all except for her feelings. She remembered how buoyant she was as she made her way through the sea of staring faces down the aisle, her happiness rising as she strode each step towards her groom, the sparkle in his eyes, the assuring smile on his face. Ahh, grief struck her as she thought about that day, the day of her marriage when at this very spot she had taken vows with Mike of being together and how those got broken in just two years. Though it had just been a small time but seemed ages have past since that day, as many things had happened in the span destroying their relation that she couldn’t even sense when that eternal love faded away. She failed to comprehend if those were misunderstandings, mistakes or just a wrong decision, but she knew only one thing that tomorro...