Random: Musings from Harry Potter to Diwali

There is one thing that my last post made me realize.. I had written my last post in a jiffy, not caring much about what thoughts went in or how the sentences were framed or even were they framed at all or not :P, but quite surprisingly it proved to be one of the most popular posts on the blog that invited the most number of comments :) :). So I have decided to again walk the same lane of chalking out a random post, and see if the commenters also follow suit or not :D A few days back while googling, found that its R.L.Stevenson’s birthday. I definitely owe the guy because Treasure Island happens to be one of the first novels I have read, I also remember reading a Hindi version of the same that was titled ‘Khajane Ki Khoj’. Speaking of Hindi versions, there are times when you come across really funny translations of English to Hindi, be it the name Dum-Pishach for Dementors(Harry Potter contagion is on after all :D) or think about the uncountable instances that you cou...